TechInfo is an honorary sponsor of the 22nd International Water Mist Conference (IWMC 2023), which will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 11th and 12th October.
The organizer of the conference is the International Water Mist Association (IWMA) – the first association of its kind dedicated to water mist as a modern technology for efficient and environmentally friendly fire protection.

Since its establishment in 1998 the Association has supported the continued development, research and applications engineering of generic water mist systems. Manufacturers, distributors, insurance companies, scientific institutes, approval bodies, fire departments as well as private persons are members of the IWMA.
As usual, speakers from all over the world will participate in this year’s edition of the conference. The first day of the conference will be dedicated to the application of the water mist in various practical cases. The second day will mainly be dedicated to science and research in development of water mist technology.
Тhe organizer puts а special highlight on attracting young scientific talents, providing a prize for the author of the best Ph.D. thesis dealing with water mist. The IWMA also offers free admission for students who wish to attend the conference.
All pieces of information about the conference are available at
Contact details:
International Water Mist
Association (IWMA)
Hamburg, Germany
phone: + 49 (0) 174 3013878