In Bulgaria, Europe and the World, thousands of companies work in the field of Fire Safety. They are involved in the research, development, production, marketing, design, education, evaluation, engineering, maintenance, preventive control… of fire safety systems and products.
Hundreds of thousands of people, responsible for the management, investment, security, production, design, technology, engineering, development, logistics, purchasing… from various fields of industry and construction sector are looking for fire safety solutions, products and services.
Our goal is to get as many of these people from as many areas as possible to know about you, your products and the services you provide. And if this is also your goal… Then… You have Us: “Fire-TechInfo – the media that knows you and your products”.
We are the publisher and operator of Fire-TechInfo – the fire safety portal. The portal provides information (articles, news, events, advertisements, analyses, opinions, interviews) by and for companies, organizations, experts, institutions, architects, engineers, designers and all stakeholders from all sectors of the firefighting industry.