• 19 October 2022
  • Author: Content from TechInfo

Water mist fire extinguishing systems – sustainable technology in the fire protection industry

General overview of water mist technology as a modern firefighting solution


The use of water mist systems as a modern sustainable technology in the firefighting industry has grown significantly over the last two decades. Water mist systems offer significant advantages over conventional fire protection systems – they use less water than traditional sprinkler systems, cause less damage to high-value tangible assets, and are also a cost-effective and environmentally friendly firefighting solution. And more … the white paper provides a comprehensive answer to the following questions:

  • What is water mist?
  • What is water mist fire extinguishing technology?
  • How does water mist fire extinguishing technology work?
  • How does water mist fire extinguishing system work?
  • Why water mist fire protection means efficient fire protection?
  • What are the most significant benefits of the water mist systems?
  • Where can the water mist technology be applied?

10 pages, A4 format, Pdf file, Issue September 2021.

Source: © TechInfo
Photos: © TechInfo

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