fire hazard

Guidelines for fire risk assessment in buildings

  Given the growing interest in the use of fire safety assessment techniques for buildings, a number of organizations are offering guidance documents that are useful to designers and approval authorities These guides are not risk assessment ...

Fire risk assessment in buildings – qualitative and quantitative methods

  With this article continue the series of articles dedicated to fire risk assessment in buildings [1] [2]   In order to prepare a fire risk assessment, all data generated during the frequency and consequences analysis fire ...

Fire risk assessment in buildings – identification and analysis of hazards, events and scenarios

  As a follow-up to the July 24, 2023 article, this article examines the next steps in the fire risk assessment process in buildings (ref Figure 1 [1])     Hazard, event and scenario identification A hazard is a condition ...

Fire risk assessment in buildings – a general overview

  Assessing the risk in an emergency situation such as a fire is not as simple and easy as with other types of risks that we may face in our daily lives Fire risks include multiple factors such as the fire itself, the products released as a ...

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Special publications

Water mist fire extinguishing systems – sustainable technology in the fire protection industry
  The use of water mist systems as a modern sustainable technology in the firefighting industry has grown significantly over the last two decades. Water...
Low pressure water mist – the modern approach in firefighting industry
For the last thirty years, water mist fire protection has evolved from a theory to an increasingly widely accepted alternative to traditional water, foam or...

Norms and standards

Standards: EN 14972-1:2020
Abstract/Scope This document specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, installation, inspection and maintenance of all types of fixed land based water mist systems....
Standards: EN 54-1:2021
  Abstract/Scope: This document defines the terms and definitions that are used throughout the EN 54 series of standards. It gives the principles on which...
Standards: EN 16750:2017+A1:2020
Abstract/Scope: This European standard specifies oxygen reduction systems that are used as fire prevention systems by creating an atmosphere in an area which is having...