• 22 August 2023
  • Author: © Fire-TechInfo I Marketing article

Protection of large commercial and public buildings with VID FIREKILL (video)

VID FIREKILL, a leading global company in the development and production of water mist firefighting solutions, offers complete fire protection for all types of large public buildings – office buildings, hotels, shopping centers, hospitals, medical centers, high-rise multi-purpose buildings, universities, schools, etc.


Large commercial and public buildings present a challenge to fire protection. They contain multiple fire hazards, have a complex architecture and combine different functions.

The FIREKILLTM low pressure water mist system is designed to protect various areas in commercial and public buildings, ensuring the safety of people, protecting property and preventing costly work process interruptions.

FIREKILLTM – one solution for many fire hazards

The FIREKILLTM system provides comprehensive protection of tall multi-purpose buildings, which can include in their structure different types of premises – shopping centers and grocery stores on the ground level, office and hotel premises on the upper floors, restaurants on the top floors, warehouses, technical and server rooms, atriums, underground garages, etc. These buildings add additional challenges to fire protection due to the different groups of fire hazards.

Combining different types of nozzles, each suitable for a specific area and fire hazard group, the FIREKILLTM system is the right solution for the protection of the entire building. See more in the short video below:

The FIREKILLTM low pressure water mist system complies with the European standard EN 14972, applicable in Bulgaria, as well as other international standards such as FM, VdS, etc. FIREKILLTM is one of the most environmentally friendly solutions in the firefighting industry, it uses a minimal amount of clean water, is energy efficient, safe for people and the environment.


Contact details:

Partner for Bulgaria of

20 Frederic Joliot-Curie, 1113 Sofia
Моbile: +359 888 441 336
E-mail: info@techinfo.bg
Website: www.techinfo.bg


Source: © TechInfo
Photos: © VID FIREKILL, © TechInfo

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