The FIREKILL™ system is a complete solution for design, installation, operation and maintenance of fire protection systems in all kinds of buildings, as well as industrial and infrastructural facilities. The system includes pumps, valves, discharge nozzles – all designed to function as a special fire protection system. The system operates at low pressure typically up to 8 bar, producing water mist spray through a set of nozzles specially designed and approved for various fire hazards, including standardized hazard such as LH, OH1, OH2, OH3, OH4, HHP, as well as special fire hazards in industrial applications.

As a result of extensive research and development, as well as numerous full-scale fire tests, the company’s employees are confident in performance of their system.
The FIREKILL™ system is individually designed and tested to meet the highest standards in the firefighting industry. The main standards that currently define the requirements for water mist systems are CEN EN 14972, NFPA 750, VdS 3188 and BS 8489. Unlike the standards for sprinkler and gas systems, they do not follow prescriptions, but an approach based on test evidence for effectiveness in each application and fire risk. The test reports are published within the framework of approval standards such as FM 5560 and VdS 3883. In addition, the European standard CEN EN 14972 provides guidelines for development of new fire test protocols for special applications
FIREKILL™ has been tested and approved based on existing fire test protocols for a wide range of applications. Moreover, it has several in-house developments of test protocols for special hazards in accordance with the annexes of the CEN EN14972 standard. The system has certificates of compliance from accredited laboratories, as well as certificates of approval from third independent bodies such as FM Approvals and DNV.
The system has four levels of certification. In addition to the fire tests, all components of the system have passed tests, which prove their strength and reliability. Apart from that, the production system is ISO 9001 certified and approved by FM, DNV/GL and Loyds Register MED-B.
The FIREKILL™ system is constantly supplemented by new successfully tested applications, whose fire scenarios are described in detail in the technical documentation and in the system manual for design, installation, operation and maintenance (DIOM) – an important document that provides complete instructions for successful implementation. These documents are approved by independent certification organizations such as FM Approvals.
The DIOM manual contains all important details of the system design such as nozzle type, distances, maximum mounting heights, minimum pressures, discharge times, application limitations and others. The fire test reports include important information about space geometry, fire loads, fire test scenarios, test conditions, system acceptance criteria, etc.
What are the benefits of implementing the FIREKILLТМ system?
The intelligent unique design of the FIREKILL™ system brings a number of benefits to the company’s clients and partners.
Based entirely on preliminary tests for various fire hazards, the system allows designers to create customized solutions that meet the specific requirements of customers and the characteristics of the protected site. The FIREKILL™ system covers almost all fire risks with the same maximum efficiency. The system provides reliable, environmentally friendly, completely safe and sustainable fire protection, which makes it the most economical and ecological solution in fire protection compared not only to traditional systems, but also to high pressure water mist technology.

The individual compact design, aesthetic nozzles, functional characteristics and resource efficiency allow more freedom in design and the ability to implement modern architectural concepts, which not only leads to satisfaction for engineers and architects, but also saves significant costs for clients and investors.
The FIREKILL™ system works cleanly and efficiently requiring minimal maintenance and technical support. The low-pressure technology allows perfect adaptation to structures with an installed sprinkler fire protection system. The unique nozzle design allows creating of customized concepts depending on local requirements or specific applications, as well as an easy integration into existing site structures.
The customers can also benefit from compact system equipment that provides small pump room sizes, small water storage tanks and small pipe sizes for easier integration into building structures, especially in projects to upgrade an existing fire protection system or creation of hybrid systems.
The system most often operates at pressures up to 8 bar, while using as little water as high-pressure systems, usually operating at pressures above 50 bar. The low pressure guarantees high reliability and strength, as in sprinkler systems, and at the same time contributes to lower installation, operation and maintenance cost. The system can be designed, installed and maintained with the same knowledge and skills as a conventional sprinkler system. Compared to high-pressure water mist systems, FIREKILL™ is stronger and more reliable, uses less electricity and, due to the larger nozzle orifices, does not need filtered water to operate smoothly.
The FIREKILL™ system is installed and maintained by trained and certified by the manufacturer partner organizations, which guarantees the high quality and reliability of each specific installation. And the result of the implemented system is always positive and can be summarized in the long-term benefits that it brings to all involved in the construction and investment process – investors, owners and users of buildings.
Long-term benefits of implementing the FIREKILL™ system to investors, owners and users of buildings:
- 100% environmentally friendly and sustainable solution
- 100% safe and secure solution for people
- 100% reliable customized solution
- Effective solution for almost all fire hazards in modern buildings, industrial facilities and infrastructure
- Effective solution for specific applications where other fire protection systems do not offer reliable protection
- Reliable protection for tangible assets and equipment, business continuity
- Long-term solution – unlike gas extinguishing agents, there is no risk of regulatory restrictions on future use
- One complete solution to all fire risks in the whole building
- Fast return on investment
- Low insurance premium
- Expertise from a global supplier with more than 25 years of experience in the development, production and sale of low-pressure water mist systems
Contact details:
Partner for Bulgaria of
20 Frederic Joliot-Curie, 1113 Sofia
Моbile: +359 888 441 336